- High quality water depth transparency and improved edge transparency, edge foam, waves and undulations
- Changed: Improved Low quality water transparency, waves and smoothness
- Container buttons on vehicle in different order than loot container / backpack
- Spear no longer flys slowly
- Low quality water was drawn too high in the world
- burntWoodBlock4 unpaintable
- Iron and Steel Knuckle reach reinstated
- Running, reloading or changing weapons would not zoom back in while holding the aim button
- Aiming while running would briefly try to aim
- Missing sign backface on street barricade
- Put resourceMetalPipe back in the salvage harvest of cars and other vehicles
- NRE on entity unload entity projectile
- Spears that hit a block and the player at the same time can’t be picked up
- Spears visual glitch between players