over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
The detection meter is hybridized between sound and light. It doesn't just represent one or the other. Just because you're standing under a lamp with 100 on the meter doesn't mean something will see you even if you're in a closed off room- It just means that, if something were to get line of sight on you, they would see you easily; And that you can't really tell how much noise you're making.
over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Ad Massive: They used to have an opening and shutting eye mechanic with the stealth option as well as the "visibility" meter... I'm unsure why that part was turned off.
It made it WAY too easy to know when you were and weren't detected, essentially. There may have been other reasons but that is one of the chief issues.

There was no 'did it see me?', Only 'it didn't' or 'it did'

You'd be surprised at how often a zombie hasn't actually found your location now but you go charging at it thinking it did. :) Most often they're attracted to the sounds you make, but if you make a loud sound then sneak away quietly, they'll go to where the sound was made and then not know where you are; It's only when they see you that they know you're there.

That's why you can outrun zombies at night, crouch, and then sneak-walk a few feet to the left or right and lose track of them- The zombies will go to the last place they heard your foot steps and then try to locate you from there.