about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
The heck difficulty and/or modpack are you playing on OP that you can just walk through a lake of them without taking damage? I stub my toe on them and lose like 30hp in light armor... And they tend to equate to roughly 1 wooden spike worth of durability per 1 zombie killed, ish- And that's on the difficulty just before the highest.

They're one of my favored primary defenses against the zombies because they're so cheap and easy to set up.
Originally posted by Reeva!: Hope we see a return to zombies that are actually zombies. Spikes are decorative with zed pathing rn. They still have that goofy jump too, lotta things to just take the fun out of building a trap for stupid zeds.
You're placing your spikes wrong. Zombies dont see or avoid traps of any sort- Spikes included. They do, however, treat any occupied block like a wall.

This means if you're placing your spikes on ground level, They'll see that the floor has raised by 1 and attempt to jump up to the new level- But the spikes are no-collision so they fall into it rather comically. It also means if you stack your spikes 2+ tall they treat it as a solid wall to attack or walk around, and when a gap is made available either through the first few walking into it or there being an easy way around, they will all funnel through that path and avoid your spikes entirely because its a wall with a hole for them to navigate through.

What you need to do is dig a trench and put your spikes in that instead, and never place spikes more than, at most, 1 block over the level that they stand on so they attempt to jump on it. If it's flush with the ground, they'll walk right onto the spikes as if it were a floor.. Because that's exactly what they see it as, Just a block.