5 months
ago -
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1. Anyone who brings realism into a video game not based on reality has already lost the argument.
2. See #1.
3. This is a you issue. Wiping your old data was required before starting the new version. It's pinned in both Support forums, and has been an announced requirement since before Alpha 17. If you do the needful, you don't have issues like that.
4. Again, this is a you issue. While I will openly admit the game has lost the challenge that used to make it fun. Playing today's game the way you played yesterdays game isn't going to work. They aren't the same. Development changes things, and you need to either change with it, or find something else to do with your time. Like rolling back to the version you love. TFP has made that choice available. Something hardly any developer does. Go play Alpha 10.4 again.
2. See #1.
3. This is a you issue. Wiping your old data was required before starting the new version. It's pinned in both Support forums, and has been an announced requirement since before Alpha 17. If you do the needful, you don't have issues like that.
4. Again, this is a you issue. While I will openly admit the game has lost the challenge that used to make it fun. Playing today's game the way you played yesterdays game isn't going to work. They aren't the same. Development changes things, and you need to either change with it, or find something else to do with your time. Like rolling back to the version you love. TFP has made that choice available. Something hardly any developer does. Go play Alpha 10.4 again.