over 3 years
ago -
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Are you by chance using a mod that allows you to press E to harvest? E to harvest is not compatible with Living off the land; That incompatibility is in large part why it was changed to punch-to-harvest.
Living off the land utilizes the block upgrade/downgrade system to give returns, and multiplies off of the drop you get when 'downgrading' a plant by striking it. But E to harvest has a set value defined that cannot be changed on the fly, and so can only return 1 per harvest (or 2, or 5, or 50 or whatever the E to harvest value is set to.)
Aside from that, I'm afraid i have no other ideas.
Living off the land utilizes the block upgrade/downgrade system to give returns, and multiplies off of the drop you get when 'downgrading' a plant by striking it. But E to harvest has a set value defined that cannot be changed on the fly, and so can only return 1 per harvest (or 2, or 5, or 50 or whatever the E to harvest value is set to.)
Aside from that, I'm afraid i have no other ideas.