about 4 years
ago -
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T6 items are reliant upon the additional mod slot and actually having all of it's mod slots filled. If you're comparing a fully modded T5 with an unmodded T6, then yeah, you'll literally never find a T6 that is better.
Going to quote myself from a similar thread:
Edit: Oh, and to further add to this, Last I heard T6 has become a placeholder for what is intended to eventually be legendary type weapons with special effects and un-randomized stats, So, Don't worry too much about it. :D
Going to quote myself from a similar thread:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Of note is that higher level weapons may sometimes have lower BASE stats, but after adding mods they result in higher total stats.TL;DR: When comparing weapons, remove all mods and make sure the same ammo type is loaded in both.
EG: Take a Q1 weapon with 30 damage, and a Q5 weapon with 25 damage.
Seems like Q1 is objectively better and does more damage right? But each mod equipped to an item increases the primary stats (Damage, typically) by 15% in addition to the mods effects.
A Q6 weapon can fit 4 mods, so that's a 60% increase in damage- This results in the Q6 weapon having 40 damage as well as the effects of 4 different mods which may increase damage further, or ammo capacity, or durability, or stability, etc. So while the Q1 may be the better choice if you have no mods to put on your weapon, The Q6 is the best if you have all the mod slots filled.
On top of that, weapon stats reflect the loaded ammo type- this is most easy to see with Bows. IF you take a bow loaded with iron arrows and compare it to an otherwise identical bow that is loaded with stone arrows, the listed damage on the one loaded with iron arrows will be higher, even though both have identical damage with the same ammo loaded.
So it's best to compare weapons both entirely unmodded and loaded with the same kind of ammo, as well as when fully modded to ensure a fair comparison.
Edit: Oh, and to further add to this, Last I heard T6 has become a placeholder for what is intended to eventually be legendary type weapons with special effects and un-randomized stats, So, Don't worry too much about it. :D