about 4 years
ago -
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This game is not, at all, in the slightest, balanced or intended for PVP. It is a solo or co-op game, intended for solo or cooperative play amongst players.
The setting to attack other players was the one, and likely only, concession made towards the requests by PVPers for a pvp option.
While the glitch/issue mentioned is something that will likely be corrected in the future if it's possible to do so, It is not anywhere near the top of the list of things to be fixed/added/changed as it doesn't really impact the intended gameplay of solo and co-op.
The setting to attack other players was the one, and likely only, concession made towards the requests by PVPers for a pvp option.
While the glitch/issue mentioned is something that will likely be corrected in the future if it's possible to do so, It is not anywhere near the top of the list of things to be fixed/added/changed as it doesn't really impact the intended gameplay of solo and co-op.