almost 4 years
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The Q2 does 43 block damage, the Q4 does 41 block damage.
However. Every mod slotted into an item increases certain relevant stats by 15% regardless of the effect of the mod. For pickaxes, the relevant stat is block damage.
The Q2 has 1 mod slot, and the Q4 has two mod slots.
So when modded out, the Q2 will do 49.45, and the Q4 will do 53.3.
Mod slots matter. A lower quality item may have better Initial stats, But the higher quality item has more mod slots and is almost always better or 'equal' to a lower quality item.. And being 'equal' to really isn't equal as it has beneficial effects from the additional mod(s).
A pickaxe for example, that Q4 could have a bunker buster and iron breaker which boost block damage to a particular type of material; So when mining while those are equipped, the Q4's pick will do 73.95 damage versus stone or iron, instead of 53.3.
However. Every mod slotted into an item increases certain relevant stats by 15% regardless of the effect of the mod. For pickaxes, the relevant stat is block damage.
The Q2 has 1 mod slot, and the Q4 has two mod slots.
So when modded out, the Q2 will do 49.45, and the Q4 will do 53.3.
Mod slots matter. A lower quality item may have better Initial stats, But the higher quality item has more mod slots and is almost always better or 'equal' to a lower quality item.. And being 'equal' to really isn't equal as it has beneficial effects from the additional mod(s).
A pickaxe for example, that Q4 could have a bunker buster and iron breaker which boost block damage to a particular type of material; So when mining while those are equipped, the Q4's pick will do 73.95 damage versus stone or iron, instead of 53.3.