8 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Keep that seed until 2025. Bandits won't come before then.
8 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by WarShrike: I don't know what the hold up is on bandits. Modders have had both bandits and friendly npcs in the game for what, nearly a decade? Do these guys need to teach TFP how to code their own game?

There isn't actually a hold up on bandits. The character work and 3rd person animation work going into this coming update are part of bringing bandits to the game.

As for mods with bandits, those modders are using coding created by TFP and old models created by TFP. There was some initial bandit work done around A15/A16 but TFP put it on hold because they weren't happy with it. Modders have been using that stuff since that time.

TFP already has a lot of work done towards bandits as far as models and now animation is concerned. Some work has been done on AI and pathing and the rest of the work will be done after the launch so they can be ready in early 2025. When bandits are released they will be far superior to what you see in mods right now.
8 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Ziplines were a running joke and never promised. After years of jokes about ziplines they did some preliminary work on maybe putting ziplines in but decided against it. Bandits are a different story. The outfits and the animations they did for 1.0 are all part of work on bandits. The way in which the AI pathing was overhauled was done with bandits in mind. Most if not all bandit models are done. Some work on bandit AI tasking has been done. Several POIs created for A21 and now for 1.0 have "bandit hooks" associated with them meaning they will be ready to go as bandit lairs once bandits are in.

It's easy to just say "bandits" and think that it just means putting a new entity in the game like a new zombie. But there have been a lot of steps taken with bandits in mind. Bandits haven't been put on hold-- they have been worked on constantly and we will see many of the bandit related work in 1.0.

Bandit Work

AI pathing: Check (Implemented in A17 and improved since then)
AI tasks: In progress (taking cover, retreating, flanking, defending, etc.)
Models: Check (Not implemented yet but finished)
Animations: Check (Implemented in 1.0)
Outfits: Check (Implemented in 1.0)
Compatible POIs: In progress (Implemented in A21 and onward)
Reputation: In progress
Event Manager: In progress