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Kinda depends on the terrain, i believe. As far as I understand it, Bicycle should be faster in general, but, on foot would likely win out on hilly terrain as vehicles struggle with inclines.
Originally posted by vgifford:Yeah, but you're not gonna have mega crush with you at all timer, Nor could you possibly obtain enough to use one constantly at all times the way you can always use a bike. Mega crush might win you the 100 meter sprint, But, You're screwed on the endurance race.Originally posted by Shurenai: Kinda depends on the terrain, i believe. As far as I understand it, Bicycle should be faster in general, but, on foot would likely win out on hilly terrain as vehicles struggle with inclines.Add in High performance running shoes and Mega-crush, and I'd bet on the runner.
Originally posted by vgifford:Nah.. He was just asking if the guy in question (Who mentioned that vehicles were just W and go) knew that you can in fact sprint in vehicles as well. No mention or implication of stamina use.Originally posted by Seftak: For the bike yes for the others more fuel.OK, as expected then. I thought you were saying they ALL used stamina.