12 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by Danzigsam: I love the game too but the fact of the matter is they're going to reskin stuff, renumber blocks, and rework the skills every couple months until the world ends.

I'm with you on loving the game, reskinning stuff, renumbering blocks, and reworking skills. But you lost me on the every couple months... ;-)
12 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Every couple months apparently.

But, seriously, I don't know when the newest Alpha will release other than definitely this year sometime. They are going to PAX-East on March 21st where convention goers will be able to play both 7 Days to Die A22 on console as wells as a demo of the new Bloodmoons game. So it sounds to me like they are close. But I also know they want the console launch to be as perfect as possible so that is likely going to lengthen the polishing phase for A22. There are just too many variables to be able to guess. Based on history? It will take longer than anyone likes.

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