over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
This one?

Have a laser pointer on your weapon?
over 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Yeah, that sure looks like the red dot used for the laser sight mod. Is your game modded? If so, please check if this happens in vanilla.
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Wane:
Originally posted by Spider: I don't know, but from the looks of your 7DTD screenshots you are playing on a potato. holy crap that's ugly. It looks to be graphics glitches, but I think it is due to settings, and not the actual game.
Gtx 1060 6gh intel i7-4765t 16gb ram is potato? Ok then
Well considering it's circa 2013, and has DDR3 RAM yeah it kinda is. Even at stock speeds of it's time it wasn't a top-end contender. Hell the previous generation of Intel chipsets ran faster than it, and had less of a RAM bottleneck.

No offense, but not only is it extremely dated now, but it wasn't even all that great when it was new. You can't even reliably overclock it to keep it current like I was able to do with my i7-3930k.

For games that aren't CPU-driven, you'll be just fine. But for a voxel game requiring a lot of CPU calculations, that chipset will just fall short. Sure it meets the min spec, but only just.
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Wane:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Well considering it's circa 2013, and has DDR3 RAM yeah it kinda is. Even at stock speeds of it's time it wasn't a top-end contender. Hell the previous generation of Intel chipsets ran faster than it, and had less of a RAM bottleneck.

No offense, but not only is it extremely dated now, but it wasn't even all that great when it was new. You can't even reliably overclock it to keep it current like I was able to do with my i7-3930k.

For games that aren't CPU-driven, you'll be just fine. But for a voxel game requiring a lot of CPU calculations, that chipset will just fall short. Sure it meets the min spec, but only just.
yeah cpu is i know.But everything else does the job just fine
That's just it though. The CPU is the core of the system. If it doesn't perform well, the RAM can't perform well, and your GPU doesn't even get a chance to shine because it's bottlenecked by the rest of the system.

I can only imagine that the issue of your screenshot is some strange glitch. It looks exactly like the laser pointer overlay, or I suppose could be some distant POI lights like Spider mentioned.
almost 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: Put down a bedroll in the apartment to prevent spawns in an area which extends up into the sky and down to bedrock.
Incorrect. The bedroll is basically a 15m bubble. It's hasn't been infinitely vertical since a16 or so.

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