over 4 years
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You do not actually lose any experience when dying, Instead you gain 10% of the exp required for the current level on death. (EG: If you require a total of 10,000 exp to go from 40 to 41, then the exp debt will be 1,000 exp), with a cap of 25%.
The exp debt appears on the exp bar in red, and is paid off before you can again gain experience towards level- But as stated above, you do not Lose experience on death. If you had 9,999 experience and die, you'll still have 9,999 experience, but you'll now have 1,000 exp in debt that must be paid off before you can gain that last exp point to gain your level.
That all said, to answer your question: No, you cannot disable the exp debt on death without modding; if it's possible via modding it's not something I know how to do.
As for the bear, I'd recommend...Going to do just about anything else more than 200 meters away for awhile, as typically animals and zombies and such will despawn if you're not in the area for long enough.
The exp debt appears on the exp bar in red, and is paid off before you can again gain experience towards level- But as stated above, you do not Lose experience on death. If you had 9,999 experience and die, you'll still have 9,999 experience, but you'll now have 1,000 exp in debt that must be paid off before you can gain that last exp point to gain your level.
That all said, to answer your question: No, you cannot disable the exp debt on death without modding; if it's possible via modding it's not something I know how to do.
As for the bear, I'd recommend...Going to do just about anything else more than 200 meters away for awhile, as typically animals and zombies and such will despawn if you're not in the area for long enough.