about 6 hours ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Odin: I have been trying to play a hardcore / nightmare survival playthrough and during this it seems so painfully obvious how broken and undesirable debuffs are to the point where they make the game unplayable for an X amount of time. Lets take a look:

Broken Leg - Accidentally fall and break your leg in the early game? no problem! Just stand on a roof for 2 hours unless you splint it, then it's like an hour or so of standing in one spot as any sprinting or jumping will increase the time. Amazing gameplay design, amazing!

Burning - Did your pant leg catch on fire? Don't worry because well.. you're dead! Great design.

Concussion - Hey early gameplay people! Don't mind me, im only sticking around for 2 hours ruining your playthrough by forcing you to now desperately search every container for painkillers. Don't want painkillers? Hope you like random stalling and having negative stat effects that hinder leveling progress! :)

Dysentery - Actually not too bad consider how it used to be. This debuff should be used as an example of "used to be gamebreaking, but fixed, funpimps please take note"

Fatigue - Shouldn't I get fatigued by sprinting 10 miles in a direction? I get punched in the shoulder by a zombie and now im tired and take 10% more damage? who... who created this? why?

Infection - Good concept, bad execution. Make honey heal 25% of infection and stop forcing early stage players to halt all progress to go honey hunting. Have the infections SLOWLY negative effects, not "after 5% your screwed"

Broken Leg - Use a cast

Burning - Drink water

Concussion - Eat painkillers

Dysentery - Drink tea or pop a vitamin

Fatigue - Eat a vitamin

Infection - Honey, antibiotics, herbal antibiotics

For every item you listed, there exists an item to cure or assist with recovery.

Does your game not have any of these items?

Originally posted by Odin: Most players have disabled a key number of your debuffs or simply kill their character because your debuffs are time consuming and game breaking.
I can assure you that most players have done no such thing.