11 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Mods will have to be updated for the new alpha. You will have to start a new game if you update to the new alpha.
11 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Darren: Yep - Its true and on Point. I'm curious what will happen with the so golden Playernumbers if one day they arent able to play old Versions.
AFAIK TFP plans to have those versions available to everyone who paid for EA, even after release.
11 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Bandits actually were added very briefly at around A15 or A16. They were deemed not ready and commented out. Since then those original bandits were removed and new models have been created to go with all the new outfits being added in A22. A22 also will overhaul character animations as seen from 3rd person view which doesn't really matter if you are playing single player but is a huge step towards having bandits added to the game.

btw...several mods utilized that original hidden bandit code to bring bandits to the game in the years since A16 so it has been possible to play with bandits if you modded your game.

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