about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Cheat mode itself does nothing directly that could cause what you're experiencing. It essentially just pre-enables creative mode so you don't have to.

However, the things you can do WITH creative mode, such as creating a thousand running forges, or placing a thousand torches, or spawning a gun and shooting off rounds like rambo at anything and everything not limited to but including the very zombies you're calling endless, could very easily cause seemingly endless waves of zombies.

Also, building in or to near to the wasteland can cause a similar effect, as in the wasteland at night zombies respawn instantly; so if you engage a zombie with a loud weapon like a gun, then you alert every zombie around you, and the first one you killed will respawn immediately- so you have an endless chain of zombies all night long that is further reinforced by screamers attracted by all the gunfire.
about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by vgifford:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Cheat mode itself does nothing directly that could cause what you're experiencing. It essentially just pre-enables creative mode so you don't have to.

However, the things you can do WITH creative mode, such as creating a thousand running forges, or placing a thousand torches, or spawning a gun and shooting off rounds like rambo at anything and everything not limited to but including the very zombies you're calling endless, could very easily cause seemingly endless waves of zombies.

Also, building in or to near to the wasteland can cause a similar effect, as in the wasteland at night zombies respawn instantly; so if you engage a zombie with a loud weapon like a gun, then you alert every zombie around you, and the first one you killed will respawn immediately- so you have an endless chain of zombies all night long that is further reinforced by screamers attracted by all the gunfire.
And the Dev's think an un-ending stream of zombies is the way to go? This new mechanic makes doing missions in the Wasteland nearly impossible at night. So many people have noted the behavior and think its a bug. Sorry to say people, this is INTENDED. It's the direction they think people want to go... Un-ending streams of zombies. Yay. Joy.
It's all about HOW you engage the zombies at night. Make yourself visible and fire off guns that attract every zombie within spawning range, and yeah, you're gonna have a bad time. Stay quiet and sneak your way around using melee and quiet weapons like bows? And you'll have a much better time.

Remember, even if a zombie from outside the POI in a wasteland hears you, unless it has actually Seen you, it does not know you are there and is at most just following a sound breadcrumb it heard.

The wasteland is intended to be relentless and unforgiving, and is likely only to get more so whether the zombies respawn immediately at night or not. Biomes will have a scale of easy->hard starting from forest and ending at wasteland being the hardest.

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