10 months
ago -
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A lot of the old versions don't work with the launcher because there was no launcher back then. Go into the files and start the game by clicking on the 7daystodie.exe file and the game should start without problems.
If you are getting exception errors then it means that there is still coding from newer versions mixed into your game so try verifying the files and hopefully that will work. You can also try doing a full clean which will erase all saves and maps before downloading the old version so that none of the newer code is there to gum things up.
So if it was me I would do things in this order:
1) While in the current version start the game and choose open launcher. Go to tools and select clean. Check all the boxes and do a full clean and then close the launcher.
2) Go into the betas and download the old version you want to play.
3) Once the old version shows in your library right click on it and go to properties and verify the files.
4) Launch the game from the exe file instead of using the steam launcher.
Hope that fixes the issues.
If you are getting exception errors then it means that there is still coding from newer versions mixed into your game so try verifying the files and hopefully that will work. You can also try doing a full clean which will erase all saves and maps before downloading the old version so that none of the newer code is there to gum things up.
So if it was me I would do things in this order:
1) While in the current version start the game and choose open launcher. Go to tools and select clean. Check all the boxes and do a full clean and then close the launcher.
2) Go into the betas and download the old version you want to play.
3) Once the old version shows in your library right click on it and go to properties and verify the files.
4) Launch the game from the exe file instead of using the steam launcher.
Hope that fixes the issues.