12 months
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The world is fully pregenerating the very first time you create it. Subsequent plays using that generated world will take significantly less time to load up. The game comes with three pregenerated random maps that you can play if you want to avoid the initial long load time.
They have been optimizing the speed of the initial pregen of new worlds and I think A22 is going to be faster but it is always going to be a long load for the first time you load a new world. The reason: Voxel terrain and every building is an explorable space without any need for load screens when entering them. Unlike many games none of the buildings are simply decorative and noninteractive. They are all playspaces and they all load into the save during that first initial generation so that later loads are faster.
They have been optimizing the speed of the initial pregen of new worlds and I think A22 is going to be faster but it is always going to be a long load for the first time you load a new world. The reason: Voxel terrain and every building is an explorable space without any need for load screens when entering them. Unlike many games none of the buildings are simply decorative and noninteractive. They are all playspaces and they all load into the save during that first initial generation so that later loads are faster.