about 4 years
ago -
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Yes, a number of people have made this mistake. And yes, It will tear down everything and restore the POI to it's original condition- All removed blocks replaced, all added blocks removed.
If you ever get a quest to the POI your base is in, just follow this simple rule:
Do NOT Interact With The Exclamation Point.
The POI is only reset upon activation of the quest by activating the exclamation marker at the quest location. You can always abandon a quest after accepting it but before activating it if it's for your base.
Also, Place a land claim and bed roll in your chosen base, and it should never get selected for a quest to begin with. The land claim is particularly important.
If you ever get a quest to the POI your base is in, just follow this simple rule:
Do NOT Interact With The Exclamation Point.
The POI is only reset upon activation of the quest by activating the exclamation marker at the quest location. You can always abandon a quest after accepting it but before activating it if it's for your base.
Also, Place a land claim and bed roll in your chosen base, and it should never get selected for a quest to begin with. The land claim is particularly important.