Originally posted by Lord-Knight Fandragon:
Originally posted by SuperMeatBag: When you "ask" a trader for a mission, the game will choose from available buildings of the correct/desired level within range. So if you keep going to the same trader for the same tier, it will choose from that pool. If only one building fits, then it'll choose that every time. Try another trader.
Then the question is why is there only like 1 building? THeres all these buildings on these maps and the devs only picked one?
All of the POI's are given a tier rating, A T1 POI can only appear in T1 quests, Likewise T4 POI's can only appear in T4 quests. You will never get a T1-3 or 5 location for a T4 quest.
There are a number of locations for each tier; I think T4 has 10? But, It's proximity based to the trader. If only One of those 10 locations is within the range the trader consideres acceptable, then it will only give you that one location even though there are 9 other viable POI types on the map as a whole.