over 4 years
ago -
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There's a number of traps already... The issue is that you're thinking in metas. Even if there were a thousand different traps for variety, It wouldn't matter because blade traps are the meta. And if it weren't blade traps, it'd be something else- There's always a meta, There's never not a meta. There's always that one thing or combo of things that is just a tiny bit better and is latched onto and leveraged for all it's worth.
That said, I don't necessarily disagree with the idea of more traps... Just that the reasoning provided is kindof iffy, imo. Saying "I want more variety" and "right now the meta is blade traps" is kinda..semi-contradictory.
That said, I don't necessarily disagree with the idea of more traps... Just that the reasoning provided is kindof iffy, imo. Saying "I want more variety" and "right now the meta is blade traps" is kinda..semi-contradictory.