about 1 year
ago -
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You couldn't build the deco cables between power poles previously, so this wasn't removed.
Concrete update was re-designed for a number of reasons. You aren't likely to see the old system return.
Wood log spikes were removed due to an exploit. They are buildable now in the current block system, but no longer deal damage. A block like that doing damage is not likely to return because of how it screwed up AI pathing, and was exploitable by rotating it 180 degrees vertically.
Concrete update was re-designed for a number of reasons. You aren't likely to see the old system return.
Wood log spikes were removed due to an exploit. They are buildable now in the current block system, but no longer deal damage. A block like that doing damage is not likely to return because of how it screwed up AI pathing, and was exploitable by rotating it 180 degrees vertically.