about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Demios: Yes they removed the big bad animals from starter biomes to give peoples who are news a chance! Getting F-'ed over by a wolf day one was not really fair is my guess XD

They are replaced with snakes instead btw
The snakes only spawn at night unless they are tied to a POI spawn. Wolves and the Alpha will spawn at night as well in the forest biome.
about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Kara: The animal packs are actual "day hordes" if some of you didn't know. It happens on certain days but I forget which exactly. It's kind of silly to catch a small army of not-zombies running to your general location.

The animal spawn rates can be changed in the xml files per biome, so that's nice.
Dogs horde is on a day 5 cycle. Other animal hordes are just part of the wandering horde randomness. I recall getting sacked by a vulture horde on Day 1 a few versions ago.

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