about 1 year
ago -
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Right now, too much of the bedwork of the game is in flux and adding workshop at this point would end up with like 90+% of the workshop content being for older states of the game, and the workshop isn't especially good at sorting for versioning unless the users go out of their ways to self-filter, and they often don't.. So it'd result in a fairly bad overall experience in the long term for very little gain.
Modding the game isn't hard right now- Download mod, put in mod folder, and go have fun. Overhaul mods are a little more complex but the mod launcher handles that well enough.
In short, Workshop is planned, but not going to happen until closer to/after the game officially releases.
Right now, too much of the bedwork of the game is in flux and adding workshop at this point would end up with like 90+% of the workshop content being for older states of the game, and the workshop isn't especially good at sorting for versioning unless the users go out of their ways to self-filter, and they often don't.. So it'd result in a fairly bad overall experience in the long term for very little gain.
Modding the game isn't hard right now- Download mod, put in mod folder, and go have fun. Overhaul mods are a little more complex but the mod launcher handles that well enough.
In short, Workshop is planned, but not going to happen until closer to/after the game officially releases.