over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Contrast this with the machete. It should be good for chopping wood, because that’s a major thing (arguably the most important thing) machetes are designed to do. Instead it follows horror movie rules, where it’s only good for chopping bodies. So between that and the chainsaw, the game isn’t really obeying practical real world logic, nor horror movie logic consistently. It’s more categorizing one as a tool and the other as a weapon, and setting their stats accordingly.
over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by pApA^LeGBa: Well, the wood you can chop with a machete, is not in the game, besides from those little bushes you get 2 wood from.

Chopping a big tree with a machete is not going to happen in RL. I mean sure, it´s propably possible, but that´s not what a machete is made for.

I say bring back the damage vs Z´s with the chainsaw. Seeing how you would call tons of screamers using it as your main weapon it wouldn´t even be OP imo.

Meh. Wood is wood now. That ship sailed a long time ago. Machetes should logically have a damage bonus versus wood, compared to a baseline of trying to hit it with the alternatives like a club, baton, knuckles, etc. If they wanted something that functions as a weapon and nothing else, there are plenty of other sword/bladed weapon designs they could have chosen.

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