over 7 years
ago -
Red Eagle LXIX
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Originally posted by akroma.chan: It's not a bug... It's a feature.Just a correction:
Some versions before they decided bow was op because it couldn't miss when aimed correctly, so they introduced a rng when shooting making the arrow "deviate" from it trajectory.
It's crappy, it could have been set by several different changes, they choose this way and will probably never change (since MM don't seem to even play his game, or understand how we play it).
I died or almost died a few times because of this "oups you arrow didn't hit the dog at 50cm from you but hit the rock behind it". It is frustrating but, well, it's not broken.
In Alpha 14.3 a chance to miss was added that I lovingly call "fake miss" because at that time the bow and arrow was a laser guided missile that always flew 100% to the targeted point without fail. The trajectory and flight of the arrow was not altered at that time. Your aim could stay on the same spot and the arrow would just sometimes magically miss now.
Alpha 15 and 16 saw the addition better flight characteristic applied to the arrows such as dropping over distance, etc).
However, it still feels to me like the "fake miss" is also present. The worst example is when you have a zed knocked down, you aim right at their prone non-moving figure, fill your entire sight as you stand over them point blank, fire and arrow goes right through to no effect.
Ticks me off.
NOTE: to be clear I have no idea how the miss added in A14.3 actually worked or if it is still present or not. This is just me guessing based on the order of events and my own gameplay observations.