over 3 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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If I may, the OP is arguing that unlike changing the difficulty, changing the zombie alert level disproportionately affects a stealth/agility build more than other character builds. And I don’t have a good rebuttal to that. Though I will point out that existing options also affect some builds more than others. For instance, messing with block damage could affect a mining/strength based character more than others that don’t do much mining.
It would be nice if stealth mattered more. Currently, it’s like all zombies in a building are wearing earmuffs. The devs don’t want all the zombies to wake up at once, and as a consequence, a bomb can go off in one room and zombies two rooms away won’t notice.
It would be nice if stealth mattered more. Currently, it’s like all zombies in a building are wearing earmuffs. The devs don’t want all the zombies to wake up at once, and as a consequence, a bomb can go off in one room and zombies two rooms away won’t notice.