over 4 years
ago -
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I mean.....If you get down to it, Almost all zombies from a myriad of sources have one thing in relative common; They lose all/most forms of higher cognitive though and begin functioning almost purely on instinct typically with an additional but abnormal need to consume human flesh.
Idunno where you come from, but, the instinctive need for survival and to avoid harm is rather...instinctive. It's not a conscious thought we have, It's instinctive, it's animalistic- See danger, avoid danger.
But with that musing thought aside, to my knowledge zombies do NOT actively avoid the players aim at any time; But many of them do have very odd walk cycles and have differing animations for difference contours in the surface- Anything that causes them to jump for example will cause a sudden and rapid shift in their animation; Likewise for any short fall causing them to stumble.
Idunno where you come from, but, the instinctive need for survival and to avoid harm is rather...instinctive. It's not a conscious thought we have, It's instinctive, it's animalistic- See danger, avoid danger.
But with that musing thought aside, to my knowledge zombies do NOT actively avoid the players aim at any time; But many of them do have very odd walk cycles and have differing animations for difference contours in the surface- Anything that causes them to jump for example will cause a sudden and rapid shift in their animation; Likewise for any short fall causing them to stumble.