over 3 years
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Scrapping time is purely a function of material return. It's something like 0.5-1.0 seconds of scrapping time per material returned. Brass items in particular have a HUGE return since they're basically the only way to get brass in the game.
So where you might get, say, 50 Iron back from scrapping an iron sledgehammer and it takes 25 seconds, when scrapping a brass radiator you get back say 500 brass, And so it takes a monumental 250 seconds to scrap. (Example numbers)
But on a per-material-gained basis, the scrap time is actually identical among all scrappable objects/materials. It's just how much material you get that changes how long it takes to scrap.
So where you might get, say, 50 Iron back from scrapping an iron sledgehammer and it takes 25 seconds, when scrapping a brass radiator you get back say 500 brass, And so it takes a monumental 250 seconds to scrap. (Example numbers)
But on a per-material-gained basis, the scrap time is actually identical among all scrappable objects/materials. It's just how much material you get that changes how long it takes to scrap.