over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Imo it's less about contempt and condescension, And more about frustration- If even that, And light jest between themselves and the players who spent their time testing A19 and the new crit system.

After implementing critical hits, Do you understand just how many complaints there were about it? There were a lot. A lot a lot. Tons of them. So many of them. And the devs tuned, and retuned, and re-retuned, and re-re-retuned it over and over again trying to strike a balance that players enjoyed.

In my opinion, With the amount of effort they put slogging through all those hurled complaints, They had a bit of right to make a joke about people complaining.

Regarding some of the other things: It is literally the developers job to develop the game. That includes when players find and exploit deficiencies in their work, it is then their job to patch those deficiencies. It is LITERALLY their job to develop.

It was also literally what people signed up to early access of the game for, for to be part of this development process. So yeah, There is some 'us vs them'. But for the devs, They're just trying to make the best game they can. Sometimes making the best game they can means making changes that directly affect the player- And thats part of being in early access. If people dont like feeling like the devs are targeting them, then they shouldn't be playing an early access game which the devs are actively developing.

It's not even a question of us vs them; There is no contest. TFP could easily 'Win' versus the player, Just make it so the player dies instantly upon log in, bam, win. Heck, Scrap the whole game and just make the title screen "You lost." with a button to close the game, and encrypt it out the wazoo so that people cant mod it to say something else. They could win a thousand different ways and the player would never even have a chance of winning to speak of in passing.
over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Moxxie_1987: If people didn't like it so much why the hell didn't they just remove it outright

What the hell is with the dev's and wanting to force certain features that people don't like or restricting other peoples playstyle's just because 'xyz isn't used enough'

If the dev's wanted to make 'the best game they can' they would listen to people abit better
Because the majority favored the system in concept but did not like it in implementation. If you get hit, you should be injured. In theory that sounds great. But then over trial and error there are a lot of ways they discovered that it isn't so good for Gameplay. So they tweaked and changed and fixed and adjusted until it worked and the majority were happy......Again, Their job. To develop.

Don't assume they're just forcing things on people- They have actively removed things from the game when people did not like it at all.

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