about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
I always use Navezgane to test new features and mechanics because it is a familiar map, and things are always pretty much in the same place.
about 1 year ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by Padischli:
Originally posted by KeiserKnight: To get used to the gameplay and learn the ins and outs I think its worth it really
so its not worth it got it

It depends on whether you want a challenge or not. Navezgane is now a much bigger challenge than randomly generated maps because the traders are hand placed in rural areas far from towns whereas with RWG the traders are mostly near tons of POIs.

So the early game is tougher because you have to run longer distances, you find less water, it takes longer to get through the tier 1 and 2 quests, etc. Some will like that slower progression pace while others will find it all very tedious.

I definitely don't think current Navezgane is a good map to learn the game on.

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