almost 4 years
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1 melee weapon, 1 stealth ranged weapon, 1 panic ranged weapon if you have one. You should never need more than this. One stack of ammo each for the ranged weapons, or if they share ammo, then just one stack. EG: A club, A pistol with a silencer, and an SMG kitted for damage.
Food, and water you'll almost always find while looting- So you can just fill your belly before you leave your base and not stress over carrying food from your base on your looting run. Worst case is you get hungry and have to go home earlier than planned, but that would be very rare. At most 1 stack of some kind of food, and 1 stack of drinks; never more. Ideally the best food you have, and some kind of tea so you don't get dysentery. EG: Meat Stew and Chrysanthemum tea.
Medical supplies, Bring at least one kind of antibiotics, be it honey or pills, and one stack of bandage type items; bandages, first aid bandages, or first aid kits. There's no need to carry most of the other 'what if' medical items with you from your base. In the event you need them, you can usually obtain them out and about; Or just retreat back to base. EG: Honey, First Aid Kits
Your pickaxe, an axe, a wrench, a knife, lockpicks(if you're into them) and possibly a shovel if you'll need/want it for what you're doing.
And lastly, one repair kit per repairable item in your inventory not counting armor; you don't need to use them one each, you can use them all on one if the situation calls for it.
This is roughly how I kit myself out for a looting run. More is unnecessary, and i typically forgoe having honey on hand personally as I'm pretty good about not getting hit in the first place. You could also preassign a few slots in your inventory to plain Iron, Brass, and Lead, as these are the three most common resources from scrapping and dismantling things. But I typically only do iron myself, pass up lead objects entirely and try to bring brass back to base instead of scrapping it by hand if i can help it.
Food, and water you'll almost always find while looting- So you can just fill your belly before you leave your base and not stress over carrying food from your base on your looting run. Worst case is you get hungry and have to go home earlier than planned, but that would be very rare. At most 1 stack of some kind of food, and 1 stack of drinks; never more. Ideally the best food you have, and some kind of tea so you don't get dysentery. EG: Meat Stew and Chrysanthemum tea.
Medical supplies, Bring at least one kind of antibiotics, be it honey or pills, and one stack of bandage type items; bandages, first aid bandages, or first aid kits. There's no need to carry most of the other 'what if' medical items with you from your base. In the event you need them, you can usually obtain them out and about; Or just retreat back to base. EG: Honey, First Aid Kits
Your pickaxe, an axe, a wrench, a knife, lockpicks(if you're into them) and possibly a shovel if you'll need/want it for what you're doing.
And lastly, one repair kit per repairable item in your inventory not counting armor; you don't need to use them one each, you can use them all on one if the situation calls for it.
This is roughly how I kit myself out for a looting run. More is unnecessary, and i typically forgoe having honey on hand personally as I'm pretty good about not getting hit in the first place. You could also preassign a few slots in your inventory to plain Iron, Brass, and Lead, as these are the three most common resources from scrapping and dismantling things. But I typically only do iron myself, pass up lead objects entirely and try to bring brass back to base instead of scrapping it by hand if i can help it.