over 4 years
ago -
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1. This is just the beginning of the new system. More details are available here.
2. Agreed, and also something that is getting some work in the future.
3. I have never had this much of an issue with it.
4. The system is still being worked on and tweaked, but is currently close to completed.
Performance and optimizations.... This is something you do after you leave Alpha development. We aren't quite there yet.
Your friend with the 3070 may have some other issues. This is a Voxel game. It depends more on CPU and RAM than the GPU. If you guys post your details, I'm happy to help you figure out where the bottleneck is, and how to fix it.
Here is an example.
Also, just for a reference...
Minimum hardware test a18/19
2. Agreed, and also something that is getting some work in the future.
3. I have never had this much of an issue with it.
4. The system is still being worked on and tweaked, but is currently close to completed.
Performance and optimizations.... This is something you do after you leave Alpha development. We aren't quite there yet.
Your friend with the 3070 may have some other issues. This is a Voxel game. It depends more on CPU and RAM than the GPU. If you guys post your details, I'm happy to help you figure out where the bottleneck is, and how to fix it.
Here is an example.
Also, just for a reference...
Minimum hardware test a18/19