11 months
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Originally posted by Corsin: I looked at it....not sure what youre trying to do with it. I can just pull up my skill tree and get same info. If theres more to it than that, some explanation as to what its purpose is and how it works would help.The single most beneficial feature of it isnt to show you what all the stats do; As you say, you can just look that up in game. It's that you can fill in a built and see how many points it costs.
Looks good, thorough and well put together though 👍🏻 Good job.
In game, you can do that the first time for free, as you're leveling; But every subsequent respec costs you like 5k dukes, If you attempt to respec and find out you were shy of how many points you needed for the new build you wanted, you now have to spend 5k MORE dukes to try again and try to puzzle out some kind of build that fits with your points, and if you mess up, well..there goes 5k more.
With a skill calculator you can fiddle with it as much as you want till you're satisfied and the total cost = your goal, and then put it in.