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Even a single point in Living off the Land makes it so that, on average, you get more than you planted. You have a 50/50 chance at getting a seed back or not at harvest time.
Here's an old quote of mine, the specifics may be slightly outdated since it's a bit of an oldish quote, but it should still get the general point across.
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That's exactly how it functions in game. You have a 50% chance of getting a seed back. Averaged over the long haul, you will get half of the seeds you planted back.
Seeds, when crafted, cost 5 of a crop- And since you get the seed back 50% of the time, this effectively means that, Averaged over the long haul, you will spend 5 crops per pair of harvested plants in order to replant. If you have 20 plants, that's 25 crops spent and 10 seeds back from RNG; Or an effective cost to replant of 2.5crops per plot.
Living off the Land increases your crop yields per rank.
LOTL 0, you get a base of 2 crops/harvest.
LOTL 1, you get base+2, a total of 4.
LOTL 2, You get base+2, Plus a 50% chance of +1, so 4-5 crops per harvest; Averaged over the long haul, 4.5.
LOTL 3, You get base+4, Plus a 50% chance of +1, so 6-7 crops per harvest; Averaged over the long haul, 6.5.
What this means is that with 0 living off the land it is NEVER worth it to Craft a seed. Because the average scenario is that you'll get half of your seeds back, and have to spend an average of 2.5 crops per plot to replace the missing seeds. Since you only harvest 2 crops per plant, that is a net loss unless you have some INSANE luck.
With LOTL 1, though, you get 4 crops/harvest. Which means for every harvest where you get 50% of your seeds back you're making 1.5 crops per plot in profit per replanting. This also means you can weather bad luck; So long as you get at least 20% of your seeds back, you break even.
With LOTL 2, it's much the same as LOTL 1 but more forgiving on bad luck.
And with LOTL 3, you will ALWAYS profit even if you get 0% of your seeds back; As it costs 5 per craft and you get 6+ per plot per harvest.
In short:
That's it. There's no hidden mechanics, No extra math, no subtle wizardry behind the scenes.. No additional information to give. No more detail that can be written. All I've done is rephrase what Uncle Al stated but with more words.
To summarize it somewhat, With just 1 point in LotL, you would need to have pretty bad luck to go into the red at harvest time- You'd have to get back less than 20% of your seeds on a 50/50 roll. So, on average, with just 1 point you'll be gaining food faster than you lose it- You just might have a poor harvest from time to time, and would be wise to keep more of your crop on hand to make seeds just in case you DO hit the bad lottery.
With 2 points, you have that added +1 on a random chance, which helps offset particularly bad luck.
And with 3 points you will never have a bad harvest- You'll be fine even the worst case where you dont get a single seed back (which is super unlikely to begin with, unless you're growing 1 plant at a time), because you get the crops to make a new plant +1-2- So it's always net positive.
Which is, as I said, why some people think rank 3 is necessity- They can't stomach the chance of a bad roll putting them in a hairy situation on food where they have to do something out of the box to feed themselves while the next batch of crops grow.. To each their own, I guess. But I've yet to put more than 1 point into LoTL except on my most recent Fortitude centric playthrough, and I've been fine.
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Here's an old quote of mine, the specifics may be slightly outdated since it's a bit of an oldish quote, but it should still get the general point across.
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Originally posted by Jolly:It.. It really can't be written with more details, though..Originally posted by Uncle Al:Thank you but I'm not saying information like that is wrong, I know that information can be written with more details.
Seed costs 5 crop to make.
You have a 50% chance of losing it per harvest.
So seed cost averages 2.5 crops per harvest.
Returns are:
LotL 0 - 2 crops, so average 0.5 loss
LotL 1 - 4 crops, so average 1.5 gain
LotL 2 - 4.5 crops, so average 2 gain
LotL 3 - 6.5 crops, so average 4 gain
That's exactly how it functions in game. You have a 50% chance of getting a seed back. Averaged over the long haul, you will get half of the seeds you planted back.
Seeds, when crafted, cost 5 of a crop- And since you get the seed back 50% of the time, this effectively means that, Averaged over the long haul, you will spend 5 crops per pair of harvested plants in order to replant. If you have 20 plants, that's 25 crops spent and 10 seeds back from RNG; Or an effective cost to replant of 2.5crops per plot.
Living off the Land increases your crop yields per rank.
LOTL 0, you get a base of 2 crops/harvest.
LOTL 1, you get base+2, a total of 4.
LOTL 2, You get base+2, Plus a 50% chance of +1, so 4-5 crops per harvest; Averaged over the long haul, 4.5.
LOTL 3, You get base+4, Plus a 50% chance of +1, so 6-7 crops per harvest; Averaged over the long haul, 6.5.
What this means is that with 0 living off the land it is NEVER worth it to Craft a seed. Because the average scenario is that you'll get half of your seeds back, and have to spend an average of 2.5 crops per plot to replace the missing seeds. Since you only harvest 2 crops per plant, that is a net loss unless you have some INSANE luck.
With LOTL 1, though, you get 4 crops/harvest. Which means for every harvest where you get 50% of your seeds back you're making 1.5 crops per plot in profit per replanting. This also means you can weather bad luck; So long as you get at least 20% of your seeds back, you break even.
With LOTL 2, it's much the same as LOTL 1 but more forgiving on bad luck.
And with LOTL 3, you will ALWAYS profit even if you get 0% of your seeds back; As it costs 5 per craft and you get 6+ per plot per harvest.
In short:
Originally posted by Uncle Al With a slight tweak: Returns (per harvest, per plot, on average) are:
LotL 0 - 2 crops, so average 0.5 loss
LotL 1 - 4 crops, so average 1.5 gain
LotL 2 - 4.5 crops, so average 2 gain
LotL 3 - 6.5 crops, so average 4 gain
That's it. There's no hidden mechanics, No extra math, no subtle wizardry behind the scenes.. No additional information to give. No more detail that can be written. All I've done is rephrase what Uncle Al stated but with more words.
To summarize it somewhat, With just 1 point in LotL, you would need to have pretty bad luck to go into the red at harvest time- You'd have to get back less than 20% of your seeds on a 50/50 roll. So, on average, with just 1 point you'll be gaining food faster than you lose it- You just might have a poor harvest from time to time, and would be wise to keep more of your crop on hand to make seeds just in case you DO hit the bad lottery.
With 2 points, you have that added +1 on a random chance, which helps offset particularly bad luck.
And with 3 points you will never have a bad harvest- You'll be fine even the worst case where you dont get a single seed back (which is super unlikely to begin with, unless you're growing 1 plant at a time), because you get the crops to make a new plant +1-2- So it's always net positive.
Which is, as I said, why some people think rank 3 is necessity- They can't stomach the chance of a bad roll putting them in a hairy situation on food where they have to do something out of the box to feed themselves while the next batch of crops grow.. To each their own, I guess. But I've yet to put more than 1 point into LoTL except on my most recent Fortitude centric playthrough, and I've been fine.
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