almost 5 years
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Fairly certain that is fog; Or at the very least fog effect. It seems you've used some method to force FOV or something out further than it should be; Or perhaps to a resoltuion the ame doesn't support, since the UI is not against the edges like it should be..Is it possible whatever you changed screwed up something unintended, causing fog to appear 24/7?
In short; That is NOT how the game should be appearing most of the time. So if it's a constant thing for you, something, somewhere, is broken and not functioning as intended. IS this a completely fresh install? Including using the launcher to clear all game files before re-installing? Lot of possibilities here. Need more info.
In short; That is NOT how the game should be appearing most of the time. So if it's a constant thing for you, something, somewhere, is broken and not functioning as intended. IS this a completely fresh install? Including using the launcher to clear all game files before re-installing? Lot of possibilities here. Need more info.