Originally posted by xerxius: Why do you have to exit the game at all? Just leave it on.
This may be an option in some situations, but not all given the unpredictability of when interruptions happen. Even planned interruptions can be perilous. I was in my base waiting on my campfire one night and decided to get up and brush my teeth without pausing. I
thought I’d raised my hatch that provides the only access inside. But, sure enough, I came back to a ‘spawn on bedroll or near bedroll?’ screen, because zombie Steve picked just then to poke his head in and deliver a slow, embarrassingly avoidable death.
I play a lot of competitive Left 4 Dead 2, and we’ve modded that game with a pause feature anyone can invoke for emergencies. As for 7DtD, I’ve noticed locally hosted multiplayer games will automatically pause when you hit escape, if and only if you’re the only person playing. When it stopped pausing, that was my first clue that a friend had joined my intended-to-be-single-player game.
I’m with the OP on not resetting quests when you log out. It doesn’t even prevent cheating; it enables it. You can raid the loot room, log out to reset the quest, log back in, restart the quest to refill the loot, and repeat to get unlimited loot. There was probably a good reason to set it up this way, but I can’t remember what it was.