about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
If anything, it'd be more likely for crafting times to increase. But personally, I think it's fine as is. You can always add a second forge, or a third, or a seventh, provided you use them in moderation and dont leave it running 24/7 to attract screamers.
about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Shane: General feelings at first seems to be not a issue, but only because it appears we are all mostly making multiple forges to bypass it..
If the player could only make One forge, then yeah, the 'issue' has some merit. But this is a game with building/tower defense game where you can expand your base and add as many forges as you want.

It'd be like going over to Factorio and complaining that a single starter smelter doesn't smelt at 1,000 ingots per second to carry you through to the end game without having to make a second- It's an argument that just doesn't fit when the game gives the player the ability to build more any time they feel constrained.

Or to keep it in 7DTD, to complain that a normal wooden chest doesn't have infinite storage capacity, so you don't have to make more than one chest. Or more loosely, that every trap should kill an infinite number of zombies so you only need one.

It's not a 'bypass' to build more of a thing you need/want.

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