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Originally posted by nivina:By the literal definitions of the words in question, You are incorrect.Originally posted by SGT. D: When I first purchased it a few years ago I thought it was a survival crafting horror game. I was right, therefore it was exactly the game i thought it was.
You are proven wrong.
Thread closed.
I can easily argue that, because there is no way to win or lose, that this is most certainly not a survival game. Survival games (Don't Starve is a good example) require a way to actually lose, otherwise there is nothing to survive; it's just existence.
I would also argue that again, since there is no way to win or lose at the game, there is no actual game here; therefor, it's a crafting horror... experience? I can get behind that, I can't agree with the survival or game descriptors.
There is no 'Win' or 'Lose' in survival. You live or die. Exist or cease to exist.
The very definition of survival is "The state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances."
Ergo, A 'Survival' game is one in which you face against ordeals and difficult circumstances in order to continue living or existing. You cite that 'It's just existence', But that is literally, by definition, part of what survival is.
Likewise to the definition of 'Game'; There's varied definitions that apply in different situations, but,
"activity engaged in for diversion or amusement"
"an amusement or pastime"
are probably the most apt. If you're playing this, Or any other video game, You're doing it to pass time, and for your own amusement or enjoyment; Nothing more and nothing less.
So yes. This is, in fact, a 'Survival Game'. It may be an easy one, it might not; depends who you ask. But it is nontheless, a survival game. A survival game does not require a way to actually lose- Some of the more hardcore survival games do tend to have a 'if you die you have to start from the beginning again' rule in place, But it is not a requirement to have that for a game to be considered survival.
If you wanna be really technical about it, By your opinion, Any survival game that allows you to start a new game after failure is not a survival game as there is no permanent loss- You can always try again. Which is, imo, a really dumb way to look at it. Games are supposed to be fun and enjoyable, And most people would loathe a game like that.
Minecraft does not have a win condition; you can beat the Ender Dragon, Or the wither, but that's not 'winning' the game; It's just killing a boss, or finishing the story. The game never actually ends; Likewise you can die, but will respawn unless you play on hardcore which is an Optional decision. There is no win/loss, Only sandbox gameplay.
No game requires a 'Win' or 'Loss' condition to be a game. Some continue endlessly so long as the player wishes to continue. Some have endings, Some end seemingly in the middle with something akin to "to be continued in part 2" displayed.