12 months
ago -
Crater Creator
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It's unclear if you mean A) there's a horde of zombies/animals around your backpack, and they keep killing your player character before you can recover; or B) your player character is dying literally instantly on spawn, like due to a physics glitch. In either case, I suppose, esthergray's advice to choose a different spawn option would be a good idea. You could sneak up on the zombies or wait for them to disperse in case A (though don't take too long or your backpack could despawn). Or in case B, hopefully whatever the issue is is localized and your character won't instantly die when they spawn somewhere else.
If it is B and it happens consistently, then you may want to file a bug report. Here's the starting point for doing that. https://community.7daystodie.com/a21-bugs-main/bug-pool/how-to-report-bugs-found-in-a21-r4/
If it is B and it happens consistently, then you may want to file a bug report. Here's the starting point for doing that. https://community.7daystodie.com/a21-bugs-main/bug-pool/how-to-report-bugs-found-in-a21-r4/