over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
It's fun in the wasteland an night. Kill one, and another respawns right away. I was crossing the biome at night once and had 5 on me by the time I got to the other side. (no vehicle, just running)
Took a few down along the way, but that just attracted more.
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Skeldarkday:
Originally posted by Ming: Cops still exist, vultures just show up at a lower game stage and are much, much lower hp. The fat tourist is being changed to be a special zombie in A20 to spit some type of poisonous gas. Dunno if they plan on having him able to explode like a cop or not. They just vaguelly touched on it last live stream.

What is there twitch channel so I can catch them next time they do a live stream?
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by hellsmoke77: The AOE part is what's ridiculous. They hit blocks you can't even get to in order to repair them. This pretty much means anything you put on a wall will get destroyed, as if we don't have enough building limitations with electricity already. "Build your walls 2 blocks thick"...eventually there will be only one base that everyone builds if this continues as there will be no other options.
It's an issue with splash damage in Unity. The devs are working on fixing the code for this.