about 4 years
ago -
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Funny, Plenty of people seem to have no issue finding, reading, and engaging in posts moved to other sub-forums.... I suppose you'd prefer to have 100% of all topics right here in General Discussions then, So that everything recent gets buried under several pages of topics you have no interest in?
It's not rocket science.
You wanna read or answer question? Go to General Questions.
Wanna tell a story about something you experienced, Or read someone elses stories? Go to Survivor stories.
Reporting a bug or issue? Put it in bug reports.
Searching for an answer to a particular question? Search the General Questions subforum instead of the General Discussions one- We try to move all the questions with actual answers to the general questions section so it's easier to sift for answers instead of being inundated by 1,000 other topics that are just discussions on some other totally unrelated thing that a passing mention of what you're searching for came up in.
If ya'll actually put it in the right sub-forum in the first place instead of dumping everything in general discussions, It wouldn't get moved.
It's called organization. You put the spoons with the spoons, the forks with the forks, the knives with the knives, and noone comes up with a fork when they wanted a spoon.
If it was censorship, We would just delete. Why bother with tricks?
Edit: and if the explanation above doesn't make it clear enough, 'General Questions' is a separate subforum to act as a repository of knowledge that is more easy to search through for the answer to questions you might have; And a place to go when you have a question where people who are interested in answering questions will go in order to answer them. Again, Organization.
It's not rocket science.
You wanna read or answer question? Go to General Questions.
Wanna tell a story about something you experienced, Or read someone elses stories? Go to Survivor stories.
Reporting a bug or issue? Put it in bug reports.
Searching for an answer to a particular question? Search the General Questions subforum instead of the General Discussions one- We try to move all the questions with actual answers to the general questions section so it's easier to sift for answers instead of being inundated by 1,000 other topics that are just discussions on some other totally unrelated thing that a passing mention of what you're searching for came up in.
If ya'll actually put it in the right sub-forum in the first place instead of dumping everything in general discussions, It wouldn't get moved.
It's called organization. You put the spoons with the spoons, the forks with the forks, the knives with the knives, and noone comes up with a fork when they wanted a spoon.
If it was censorship, We would just delete. Why bother with tricks?
Edit: and if the explanation above doesn't make it clear enough, 'General Questions' is a separate subforum to act as a repository of knowledge that is more easy to search through for the answer to questions you might have; And a place to go when you have a question where people who are interested in answering questions will go in order to answer them. Again, Organization.