8 months
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Heat system and random wandering hordes still exist. Heat system has even been revised so you can't cheat it by spreading some of your stations out.
Yeah, the new hordes are a bit different because of changes to the AI. That will likely change more again with 1.0. If you want the older non-smart hordes you want to look at pre-alpha 19, though the AI has been in development since Alpha 17.
In your OP you stated that previously they "didn't circumvent stealth completely", which is untrue. They have always GPS'ed to your player location. I recall designing a reinforced basement in Alpha 10 following a base design I started with in Alpha 9. Got completely overrun. Stealth doesn't matter. They will go through everything to get to you, and it has always been this way.
And they still do that, but now are a bit super-intelligent about the "easiest" path instead of just bashing through whatever blocks are in front of them. IIRC the plan is to make the zed AI a bit less intelligent and add more randomness, leaving the smarter AI mechanics for the bandits and survivors.
Yeah, the new hordes are a bit different because of changes to the AI. That will likely change more again with 1.0. If you want the older non-smart hordes you want to look at pre-alpha 19, though the AI has been in development since Alpha 17.
In your OP you stated that previously they "didn't circumvent stealth completely", which is untrue. They have always GPS'ed to your player location. I recall designing a reinforced basement in Alpha 10 following a base design I started with in Alpha 9. Got completely overrun. Stealth doesn't matter. They will go through everything to get to you, and it has always been this way.
And they still do that, but now are a bit super-intelligent about the "easiest" path instead of just bashing through whatever blocks are in front of them. IIRC the plan is to make the zed AI a bit less intelligent and add more randomness, leaving the smarter AI mechanics for the bandits and survivors.