10 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Something you aren't considering is satiation. You feel hunger faster after a veggie centric meal than after a meat centric meal. Also there are resources that are in meat that aren't in vegetable alternatives; Meaning a meatless diet requires external supplementation... and by extension, that a stew with a meat component is going to be a more round and balanced meal... A few other things I could mention but those are the biggest ones.

All together, IMO that means the meat stew should provide more hunger- Which it does.
Edit:Also it's worth noting that it's "Hunger" in game, not "Nutrition". So.. How filling and how long a meal lasts before you feel hungry again should be the primary metric being considered.

We are not carnivores, to be sure. We also aren't herbivores- We are omnivores, we need a little bit of everything in our diet.
10 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Why do people insist on inserting real life values into a video game?