about 1 year ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Sounds like a good idea for their next game. :cozyroe:

As far as giving adrenaline to the gameplay, the game already has that. There are character builds that have bonuses applied when you hit an enemy while it’s down. So unless I’m powerful enough to one-shot-kill everything, I feel that rush to hit the zombie as much as possible before it can finish getting up.
about 1 year ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by Jonnson: Practice your head shots with various weapons. Try to kneecap them, or target a limb. I've seen some pretty neat deaths of late. I gotta give them that. Last night I popped one with an arrow from below, and his throat ripped open with his head leaning back, as he fell forward and then rag dolled down a staircase with blood spurting out of his neck. 2100 hrs, never seen that. I'm chopping heads and limbs off. Even chopped a hand off. Putting arrows in eyes. Ripping guts open. Sawing head caps off. Scalping them. Smashing their skulls in, head flat.

Yeah, it's a good point. While not the same as finishing moves, a lot of work has gone into dismemberment now. It may have escaped the notice of some players that, quite understandably, are always going for headshots.

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