over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Pounce: Ignoring that would be hard, the game is balanbced for you munching magic candy.
Ehh... No. The game has magic candy, but that does not mean any of the balancing decisions revolve around that candy. The 'magic' candy as you put it was balanced around itself, and only around itself.

They didn't make injuries more common because the candy exists, They didn't make lockpicking harder because the candy exists, They didn't make fall damage unreasonably cruel because the candy exists. And so on.

Mod it out if it really bothers you so much.

But while you're at it you may as well mod out your magic backpack, And your magic skill book, And all of the magic armor and weapon mods. And the magic walking dead. And the magic respawning loot. And the magic vending machines that restock themselves. And the magic trader that always has quests for you, and gets a fully new inventory every 3/4 days. And the magic shoes that make you take less energy to sprint. and the magic college jacket that makes you run faster. And the magic goggles that make you find better loot. And the magic glasses that make you smarter. And the magic sunglasses that make you more perceptive. And the magic ski goggles that make you more agile. And the magic cigar that somehow makes you stronger, and also makes you barter better. And all the magic food that gives you magic buffs. And all the magic pharmaceuticals that boost various abilities (Seriously, Recog gives +300% ranged damage, that makes no sense at all). And the magic player that recovers from even the most severe injuries in under a day. And the magic crops that grow in 3 days, no matter what, and never have to be replanted, and will produce food forever. And..And.....And.........

And there's a whole lotta magic stuff that you've just never cared about because it was nice and convenient and fun. But you're drawing the line at candy that gives buffs? It's your life. Do whatcha want....But it seems a little odd, to me.

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