over 4 years
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RNG is RNG. Even at tech 0 you still have a very tiny chance of looting high end items- You can for example still find a pistol, it's just stupidly rare until higher gamestage, often to the extent that you won't see a pistol until you reach a higher loot table tier.
Weapon/tool/armor Mods are independent of loot table tier, iirc, so finding the reflex sight isn't surprising.
That said your experience could still be indicative of an oddity. How -much- steel did you find? And was it a one off looting, Or did you find it in multiple places? Same question as well for the tool parts and other 'unusable components'.
Weapon/tool/armor Mods are independent of loot table tier, iirc, so finding the reflex sight isn't surprising.
That said your experience could still be indicative of an oddity. How -much- steel did you find? And was it a one off looting, Or did you find it in multiple places? Same question as well for the tool parts and other 'unusable components'.