almost 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
I don’t think they’ll return to gun assembly. They view mods as the new gun parts, allowing you to add to a weapon while still having something usable without them. The silver lining is, you can always download and play those older versions of the game as much as you want.
almost 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by 𝔇ave:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: I don’t think they’ll return to gun assembly. They view mods as the new gun parts, allowing you to add to a weapon while still having something usable without them. The silver lining is, you can always download and play those older versions of the game as much as you want.
question for ya mate.

once the game is completed will the older versions be removed from steam or will they always remain available?

I don’t know if TFP’s given an official answer to this, so I’d be guessing.
almost 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by =JpS=Red5: I came into 7DTD after the 'gun assembly ' was taken out. The mechanic sounded like a fantastic idea. The idea of having to scavenge for replacement or upgraded parts just to have a viable weapon is a game within a game. It gives players another personal goal. Then add on attachments and you have a pretty in depth system. I would not even care if some of the parts were generic. The same sort of system could easily be applied to vehicles.

I really do not know why they took it out, but I am hopeful that once the game goes to release and the workshop is integrated that some brilliant modder adds it back in.

It is also similar to the upcoming removal of the clothing only to add 'kits'. The kits make no sense in any realistic way.
They took it out because of several reasons. One of the ones I personally know about was that, without a huuuuuge amount of rewriting, implementing both the old parts system and the current mod system together wouldn't be possible. The slots that currently are for mods were the slots for gun parts.

Beyond that, Quality level was also simplified down from 600 to 6; Having the old weapon system in that case is kinda ehh, because there's no granularity- There's nothing between 4 and 5; so having 3 parts of 4 and 3 parts of 5 just either rounds up to 5 or down to 4.

And that's before mentioning that basically the parts primarily just determined quality level before, and there wasn't much difference to the gun beyond the numerical quality EXCEPT when you passed a breakpoint- EG: 1-99 were basically identical with one another; but when you hit 100 there was a significant change. Repeat for 100-199, 200-299, 300-399, etc. Only at the break points were there notable changes/differences.

There may have been some other things I'm unaware of, but yeah.

So basically, Between and , they chose the latter.