over 1 year
ago -
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Optimization is primarily done in Beta. We go over this in every thread just like yours that someone starts about once a month.
It doesn't matter that it's been ten years. The game isn't finished, and is still going through Alpha development. It's nearing the end, sure, but it isn't done yet.
If you need help getting better performance on your rig, open a thread in the correct forum section for that. Don't forget to do the needful.
And honestly, if you're tired of waiting, then don't. No one forced you to opt into an incomplete game with no announced end date.
It doesn't matter that it's been ten years. The game isn't finished, and is still going through Alpha development. It's nearing the end, sure, but it isn't done yet.
If you need help getting better performance on your rig, open a thread in the correct forum section for that. Don't forget to do the needful.
And honestly, if you're tired of waiting, then don't. No one forced you to opt into an incomplete game with no announced end date.