10 months ago - Roland - Direct link
The only way this could really happen is if you always woke up at the trader complex and your payment was for medical care. I could see it if you always respawned at the nearest trader because otherwise who are we paying the money to?

I'm not a dev though.
10 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by Nerevar: the stupid consequenceless respawn system is why i play 1 life only. just dont die. this game feels like it was designed for that overall. i normally dont play hardcore in games but if you can just respawn without any real noticeable downside i fail to see any risk in this game when you can just endlessly respawn nearby. that option shouldnt even exist. it makes no sense. i can see respawn at bed so you have to take the risk of running for your bag atleast. but respawn nearby and all zombies reset is just dumb. pretty much cannot lose with such a system.

and its pretty simple to avoid like 95% of deaths in this game to begin with even on harder difficulty aside from the very early game days. diffculty is front loaded. later on it doesnt even matter since your dmg is trough the roof.

I use the injury death penalty and destroy all on death. That is some significant risk. I've played one life only but I like the one I do better because it is more fun recovering than it is just starting in a brand new world. It also makes crafting more relevant since I'll have to craft replacement gear for what I lost.